Liu Yong’s running script is attached to the meter

[Liu Yong’s running script Linmi Tie axis]

Linmi Tie axis, Qing Dynasty, Liu Yong’s script, paper version, running script, 144.5 cm vertically and 38.4 cm horizontally
Management: frame on the wall, frame on the second floor of the mountain, temporarily borrow for reading. When Fu Qi came up, Shanfu looked forward to the humiliation and Wang Jie went. Fu Bai, Cheng Qingwen, is a locust catcher in the city, and Haipu Fangshu is responsible for killing locusts in the city. When the rain is enough, it will be small and abundant, and there will be laughter on the autumn memorial. Manage the emperor’s fear
Haiyue two posts. The stone temple is in the pavilion of Danlin Poetry
Seal “Liu Yong’s seal” Zhu Wenyin and “Shi An” Bai Wenyin
The seal for the collection is “Yu Zhitang’s self-made note” and “Zhu Wenyin’s seal for the collection of calligraphy and painting”
This axis is adjacent to Mi Fu’s “and Shanfu’s” and “Catching Grasshoppers”, which naturally reveals a lot of Mi Fu’s brushwork in the line of writing, such as the opening of the pen, the closing of the pen, the clearness of the turning point, etc., and also shows the author’s own calligraphy characteristics of fresh ink, thick and vigorous strokes.
图片[1]-Liu Yong’s running script is attached to the meter-China Archive

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