Qingtian stone “Suihan Hall Painting and Calligraphy Seal”

[Qingtian stone’s “Suihan Hall Calligraphy and Painting Seal”]

Qingtian stone’s “Suihan Hall Calligraphy and Painting Seal” was carved by Wang Si in modern times, with a side length of 2.5 cm and a height of 3.3 cm
Printed on Qingtian stone, square, plain side. The seal character is in seal script, with Zhu characters. From the upper right, read the six characters “Sui Han Tang Calligraphy and Painting Seal” in sequence. “The Wu Chen Ren Sun, Fu Chang Wang Si was engraved in the capital.”
Wang Si’s iron thread Zhu Wen works, regardless of the number of seals or the complexity and simplicity of the strokes, can express the beauty and smoothness of round Zhu Wen, with a dignified and graceful charm, making people feel like facing an elegant and gentle weeping willow and flowing spring

图片[1]-Qingtian stone “Suihan Hall Painting and Calligraphy Seal”-China Archive
图片[2]-Qingtian stone “Suihan Hall Painting and Calligraphy Seal”-China Archive“岁寒堂书画印”石章印面图片[3]-Qingtian stone “Suihan Hall Painting and Calligraphy Seal”-China Archive“岁寒堂书画印”石章钤本图片[4]-Qingtian stone “Suihan Hall Painting and Calligraphy Seal”-China Archive“岁寒堂书画印”石章边款拓本

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