Recent development of the Three Kingdoms Three Body Stone Sutra, “Shangshu · Duoshi”, “Spring and Autumn Period · Wengong”, residual stones

[The Three Body Stone Sutra of the Three Kingdoms, “Shang Shu · Duo Shi” and “Spring and Autumn · Wen Gong”, contains residual stones]

The Three Body Stone Sutra, “Shang Shu · Duo Shi” and “Spring and Autumn · Wen Gong”, contains residual stones, which were carved during the Zhengshi period of the Wei Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms (204-249), with ink on two pieces of paper and mounted together as a shaft. 201 cm vertically and 56 cm horizontally. Mr. Ma Heng donated gifts
The Wei Shi Jing was published during the Zhengshi period (240-249 years) of Emperor Fei of the Wei Dynasty. Each character has three forms of ancient writing, seal script, and official script, so it is also known as the “Zhengshi Shi Jing” or “Three Body Shi Jing”. The front side of the scriptures is engraved with the “Book of History” and the back side is engraved with the “Spring and Autumn Annals”. As early as the Jin Dynasty, stones had collapsed, and after that, residual stones were constantly discovered. In the winter of 1922, Zhu Mou, a villager of Zhugedang Village in the eastern suburb of Luoyang, dug up a large and a small two pieces of Wei Shi Jing relics in the cotton field of the Han Wei Imperial College site. On the small sunny side, the text of “Shangshu · Duoshi” is engraved, and on the shady side, the scriptures of “Spring and Autumn · Wengong” are engraved. This axis represents the rubbings of Xiaoshi’s Stele Yang and Stele Yin
The seal is sealed with “The Record of Ma Heng Approving the Wei San Zi Stone Sutra”. In addition, Ma Heng’s inscription and postscript read, “The seal character ‘er’ at the end of the sixth line is undamaged, and it is a newly unearthed rubbings. From what I have seen in my life, this is the second one.”
Mr. Ma Heng has made outstanding achievements in studying the Stone Classics of the Han and Wei Dynasties, and the rubbings unearthed at the beginning of his old collection of this stone are extremely rare.
图片[1]-Recent development of the Three Kingdoms Three Body Stone Sutra, “Shangshu · Duoshi”, “Spring and Autumn Period · Wengong”, residual stones-China Archive

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