Jin Jingfen Colorful Embroidery Pomegranate Flower with White Head Axis

[Jin Jingfen Colorful Embroidery Pomegranate Blossom and White Head Picture Axis]

Jin Jingfen Colorful Embroidery Pomegranate Blossom and White Head Picture Axis, Republic of China, vertical 102 cm, horizontal 43 cm
This picture axis was embroidered by Jin Jingfen, a famous embroiderer in the 20th century. The work is decorated with patterns such as pomegranate, anemone, lake stone, and flowers on the ground of natural colored satin, using a combination of two to three color halos and a combination of removing halos, using flat needles, overlapping embroidery, flat needle sets, loose needle sets, wrapped needles, seeded needles, and stitched threads. The painting is embroidered with ink thread, “The pomegranate flower blooms to the age of 3000, and the blue bird flies with a white head. Ms. Canxuan Jin Jingfen wrote it,” and Zhu embroidered with “Jin Jingfen seal” and “Ms. Canxuan seal.”
This painting absorbs the style of the Qing Dynasty painter Yun Shouping’s “no bones in coloring” and adopts meticulous brushwork, emphasizing both sketching from life and vividness. The object image is authentic, the color is elegant, clear and bright, and the lead is gone. The elegance of flowers and birds, and the concave-convex and dark texture of the lake rocks evoke embroidery. The composition of the work is stable, the color is natural and harmonious, and the patterns are meticulously depicted, fully reflecting Jin Jingfen’s superb embroidery skills, making it one of his representative works.
图片[1]-Jin Jingfen Colorful Embroidery Pomegranate Flower with White Head Axis-China Archive

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