Green ink color flower and bird pattern stiff bucket

Green ink color flower and bird pattern stiff bucket

Green ink color flower and bird pattern stiff bucket, clear and smooth, height 8.8 cm, caliber 9.6 cm, foot diameter 5.7 cm
Stiff the mouth, tighten the neck, bulge the abdomen, and circle the feet. White glaze is applied to the feet, and the four character regular script “Yongqing Changchun” is printed in red. Both inside and outside are painted with green glaze, with a plain and textured interior. The mouth edge is painted with a circle of gold color. The outer wall is painted with one group of chrysanthemums, peonies, and birds in ink color. Between the two groups of flowers, there are two types of red color books: “Da Ya Zhai” and “Tian Di Yi Jia Chun”

图片[1]-Green ink color flower and bird pattern stiff bucket-China Archive
图片[2]-Green ink color flower and bird pattern stiff bucket-China Archive绿地墨彩花鸟纹奓斗底款

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