Yellow ground ink color butterfly pattern stiff bucket

[Huangdi Ink Colored Butterfly Pattern Stiffening Bucket]

Yellow ground ink color butterfly pattern stiff bucket, Qing Guangxu, height 7.8 cm, caliber 9.6 cm, foot diameter 5.6 cm< With a stiff mouth, a thick neck, a bulging belly, and circular feet, the outer bottom is white glazed and the inner red color book is "Yongqing Changchun" in regular script. The interior of the utensil is painted with green glaze, and the outer belly is painted with a red colored script with a 3-character regular script style of "Da Ya Zhai" and a 5-character seal script style of "Tian Di Yi Jia Chun". The belly of the utensil is painted with flower and butterfly patterns in ink and color.
图片[1]-Yellow ground ink color butterfly pattern stiff bucket-China Archive
图片[2]-Yellow ground ink color butterfly pattern stiff bucket-China Archive黄地墨彩花蝶纹奓斗底款

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