Penglai Fairyland Jade Fairyland

[Penglai Wonderland Jade Fairy]

Penglai Wonderland Jade Fairy was manufactured in Beijing in the 20th year of the Qing Dynasty (1894), with a height of 130 centimeters, a length of 117 centimeters, and a width of 96 centimeters
This Sendai is narrow in front and wide in trapezoidal shape, and is located on a table inlaid with red sandalwood and silver wire. With the theme of “group immortals wishing birthday”, it is carved from red sandalwood into “Penglai Wonderland”, “Dongtianfudi”, and “Yuyu Yaochi” three immortal caves, which rise from near to far, either located on steep peaks or towering in the sea. The Queen Mother of the West, holding Ruyi in her hand, sat in the “Jade Jade Jade Pool” cave, while the second maid, holding a palace fan, stood on both sides. The flat peach tree outside the cave is laden with fruits, and the White Ape is offering birthday peaches to the Queen Mother of the West. Eight immortals came from all directions with treasures in hand to congratulate the Queen Mother of the West on her birthday. In the deep valleys of high rocks, the vegetation is lush, with sika deer leaping and butterflies fluttering
According to historical records, the Queen Mother of the West was a longevity fairy. She planted flat peaches in the place where she lived, flowering and bearing fruit for 3000 years. Every time the peach is ripe, the Queen Mother convenes a group of immortals to hold a birthday banquet, known as the “Yao Chi Ji Qing”. The Queen Mother of the West passed on from generation to generation as a symbol of immortality
The craftsman carved white apes, old immortals, eight immortals, children, sika deer, cypress, glossy ganoderma, and exotic flowers and plants with precious materials such as jade, Venus, turquoise, jadeite, agate, and various kinds of crystals, showing the magic of the fairyland
This is a ceremonial gift from the minister on Cixi’s sixtieth birthday.
图片[1]-Penglai Fairyland Jade Fairyland-China Archive
图片[2]-Penglai Fairyland Jade Fairyland-China Archive“蓬莱仙境”玉石仙台中的白玉八仙

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