Yellow ground pink butterfly pattern stiff bucket

[Yellow ground pastel hundred butterfly pattern stiff bucket]

Yellow ground pastel hundred butterfly pattern stiff bucket, Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty, height 9 cm, caliber 8.7 cm, foot diameter 5.2 cm
Open, round belly, circled feet. Small and beautiful in shape. The interior is painted with white glaze and the exterior is painted with yellow glaze, with various butterfly patterns. Zhadou is a utensil for holding bone spurs on the palace banquet table. According to records, this kind of appliance was used as early as the Yuan Dynasty. Among the wedding utensils used at Tongzhi University, the stiff bucket was produced in sets with bowls, plates, and wine cups, indicating the exquisite porcelain used for wedding banquets at that time. Using butterflies as auspicious patterns, in addition to being colorful, also lies in the homophonic sound of “butterfly” and “octogenarian”. The term “octogenarian” generally refers to being old and decorated with butterflies as a symbol of longevity. “Tongzhi Year System” 4-character regular script style with white glaze and red color on the bottom

图片[1]-Yellow ground pink butterfly pattern stiff bucket-China Archive
图片[2]-Yellow ground pink butterfly pattern stiff bucket-China Archive黄地粉彩百蝶纹奓斗底款

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