Yellow ground gold, eight xi, five colors, hundred butterfly patterns, stiff bucket

[Huangdi Gold Eight Xi Five Color Hundred Butterfly Pattern Stiff Bucket]

Huangdi Gold Eight Xi Five Color Hundred Butterfly Pattern Stiff Bucket, Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty, 8.3 cm high, 8.4 cm caliber, 5.9 cm foot diameter
Stiff and open, with a round belly and rounded feet. Small and beautiful in shape. The interior is painted with white glaze, and the exterior is painted with yellow glaze. Various butterfly patterns are painted on the ground, with a golden color “Xi” inserted in the middle. The top and bottom are decorated with gold string patterns. “Tongzhi Year System” 4-character regular script style with white glaze and red color on the bottom

图片[1]-Yellow ground gold, eight xi, five colors, hundred butterfly patterns, stiff bucket-China Archive
图片[2]-Yellow ground gold, eight xi, five colors, hundred butterfly patterns, stiff bucket-China Archive黄地金八喜五彩百蝶纹奓斗底款

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