Bright Yellow River Silk Regular Dress Robe

[Bright Yellow River Silk Regular Clothes Robe]

Bright Yellow River Silk Regular Clothes Robe, Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty, with a body length of 137.50 cm, a total length of 220 cm at both sleeves, a sleeve width of 27 cm, a hem width of 116 cm, and a left and right train width of 72 cm. The old collection of the Qing Palace
This is the Queen’s summer dress. Round neck, large lapel, right lapel, left and right train, horseshoe sleeve end. Five bronze plated floral clasps are set, and the neckline is inlaid with a blue satin edge. The fabric of the regular robe is Tuanshou character dark flower river silk, woven flat, fine, and smooth
In the Qing Dynasty, bright yellow was the royal color for the clothing of emperors, empresses, and empresses.
图片[1]-Bright Yellow River Silk Regular Dress Robe-China Archive
图片[2]-Bright Yellow River Silk Regular Dress Robe-China Archive明黄色江绸常服袍后式

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