Yellow ground pastel butterfly plate with eight happy characters

[Yellow ground pastel butterfly pattern plate with eight happy characters]

Yellow ground pastel butterfly pattern plate with eight happy characters, Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty, with a height of 5cm, a caliber of 21.9cm, and a foot diameter of 13.4cm
The opening is slightly outward skimmed, with curved walls and rounded feet. The foot is decorated with red colored “Tongzhi Year System” four character regular script funds. The plate has a yellow pink butterfly pattern with four “happy” characters between it. The happy character is edged with red color, and filled with gold color. The butterfly pattern is first outlined in ink color, then depicted in gold color, and filled with colored material. The outer wall of the plate is painted with three patterns of white ground pink, including peony patterns, western lotus patterns, and lotus patterns. The edges are marked with ink lines, and the interior is filled with colored materials.
This is an imperial wedding utensil ordered and fired by the court in Jingdezhen in the seventh year of the Tongzhi reign (1868). The picture is filled with a festive atmosphere

图片[1]-Yellow ground pastel butterfly plate with eight happy characters-China Archive
图片[2]-Yellow ground pastel butterfly plate with eight happy characters-China Archive黄地粉彩蝴蝶八喜字纹盘盘心图片[3]-Yellow ground pastel butterfly plate with eight happy characters-China Archive黄地粉彩蝴蝶八喜字纹盘底款

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