Copper plated star image insert screen

[Copper Plated Star Image Insertion Screen]

Copper Plated Star Image Insertion Screen is made by the Qing Palace Fabrication Office, with a clear path light, a height of 101 centimeters, and a diameter of 60 centimeters. The old collection of the Qing Palace
The star image inset is a pair of inset type handicrafts with a star image drawn on it. One is the Equatorial North Pole Star Map inset, and the other is the Equatorial South Pole Star Map inset. These two astrological insets are framed in red sandalwood, and are inlaid with a bat and copper coin pattern using mother-of-pearl inlay technology, implying “happiness in front of us.”. The lower part of the frame is also inlaid with curly grass patterns. The star image inset uses the equator as the coordinate, depicting the 360 ° circumference of the sky and the twelve houses of the equator from the outside to the inside
The astrogram is a graph used by the ancients to record the observed astrology in a graphical manner. Its value lies in enabling future generations to study the laws of star motion based on star maps of different periods

图片[1]-Copper plated star image insert screen-China Archive

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