White Jade Chi Button “Weiyu Library” Seal

[White Jade Chi Niu “Wei Yu Library” Seal]

“Wei Yu Library” Seal, Jiaqing, Qing Dynasty, white jade, Chi Niu square seal, Chinese seal script. The surface is 4.3cm square, the overall height is 3cm, and the button height is 2cm
The Weiyu Study is the name of the study during the reign of Emperor Jiaqing, Before Emperor Jiaqing’s accession to the throne, the article “A Brief Account of the Weiyu Library” recorded the process of naming this library: “In a forbidden residence, there are five rooms with five columns, not carved or painted. Gongyu Yi studied history during the day, entertained himself in poetry and prose, or pasted a painting on the calligraphy, enjoying his own interests. To inscribe the end of his head, please ask Mr. Shi Jun, who said, ‘Diligent scholars have more than one, lazy ones are not enough, and there are more than one to taste. The name is called the Weiyu Library.'” It can be seen that the name of this study was named according to the opinion of Zhu Xuan, a scholar of Emperor Jiaqing. After Emperor Jiaqing ascended the throne, he moved this plaque to the east of the Jide Hall in the back hall of the Yuqing Palace and hung it. It reflects the state of mind of Emperor Jiaqing, who persevered in retreating from food, indulging in the support of sages and sages, and persistently refraining from learning

图片[1]-White Jade Chi Button “Weiyu Library” Seal-China Archive
图片[2]-White Jade Chi Button “Weiyu Library” Seal-China Archive“味余书室”玉章钤本

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