Qianlong style painting enamel baby playing picture snuff bottle

[Qianlong Painting Enamel Baby Play Snuff Bottle]

Qianlong Painting Enamel Baby Play Snuff Bottle, Qing Qianlong, with a height of 5.8cm, a caliber of 1.6cm, and a foot diameter of 2.1 × 1.5 cm
The snuff bottle has a copper cover with gilded and carved flowers, and is attached with an ivory spoon. Straight mouth, short neck, flat round belly, flat bottom. The abdominal wall depicts several children playing in the courtyard, surrounded by maids. The composition of the screen adopts western perspective principles, with a three-dimensional sense. The outsole has a “Qianlong” blue enamel four-character regular script style
The integration of Western techniques into traditional Chinese decorative themes such as baby dramas and ladies is a prominent feature of the enamel process in Qianlong painting

图片[1]-Qianlong style painting enamel baby playing picture snuff bottle-China Archive
图片[2]-Qianlong style painting enamel baby playing picture snuff bottle-China Archive画珐琅婴戏图鼻烟壶款识

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