Chengni Imitation Song Jade Rabbit Dynasty Yuan Inkstone

[Chengni Imitation Song Jade Rabbit Chaoyuan Inkstone]

Chengni Imitation Song Jade Rabbit Chaoyuan Inkstone, Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, 2 centimeters high, 12.5 centimeters in diameter
The inkstone is round, without an inkstone pool on its surface, and is carved with a picture of the Jade Rabbit Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty. This inkstone belongs to the antique style (Chengni inkstone was made during the Qianlong period with the addition of Yixing Chengni) Chengni set inkstone (Six Sides), but there is no inscription on the imperial verse. On the side, there is a regular script in Yin script, “Imitation Song Dynasty Jade Rabbit Dynasty Yuan inkstone”, which is packaged in a jade inlaid red sandalwood wooden box with a plain surface
The production of imitation ancient inkstones during the Qianlong period is the most innovative. In those years, a large number of antique inkstones were produced, including Duanshi, Sheshi, and Yixing Chengni, among which a complete set of antique Chengni inkstones was most praised. These antique Chengni set inkstones were the most important form of inkstone in the court at that time, and were used not only for imperial use but also to reward subordinates

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