White glaze furnace

[White glazed furnace]

White glazed furnace, Qing Qianlong, 10.8 cm high, 11.8 cm caliber, 8.5 cm foot diameter
The furnace is cylindrical in shape, with a convex transverse rib on the abdomen, three legs under it, and a flat bottom. The bottom center has no glaze astringent fetus, and the carcass is delicate. “The glaze on the inside of the vessel is not completely applied, and the outer wall is applied with white glaze. The ochre colored book reads, ‘The ancestors of the Lu Dynasty examined the Yao Yu Fu Fu Jun and the Zhao An Ren, the ancestors of the Gao Dynasty examined the Wen Fu Fu Fu Jun and the Chen An Ren, the ancestors examined the Zheng Zhai Fu Jun, the Chen Kong Ren and the Lin An Ren, and they were installed in the 47th year of Qianlong.'” The 47th year of Qianlong was 1782. “< According to the inscription, this furnace is a family sacrificial offering device

图片[1]-White glaze furnace-China Archive
图片[2]-White glaze furnace-China Archive白釉炉全形之二

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