Eight treasures inlaid with gold and precious stones

[Eight Treasures Embedded in Gold and Gems]

Eight Treasures Embedded in Gold and Gems, dating from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, is 49 centimeters high, 15 centimeters long, and 12 centimeters wide
The Eight Treasures are eight Buddhist artifacts, arranged according to the “Gong Jin” in the “History of the Imperial Palace, Volume XVIII”, and are in order: golden flowers, golden covers, golden snails, golden wheels, golden umbrellas, golden intestines, golden pots, and goldfish. The upper part of each piece of magic tool is made of gold thread, including lotus flowers, canopy, conch, Dharma wheel, umbrella, dish intestines, pot, and Pisces. There is a fireball on the top and ribbon on both sides. The lower part of the instrument is a lotus and lotus seed holder, which is also made of gold. It is inlaid with various colored gemstones, and the lower part is a pillar. On both sides of the pillar, there are enamel and emerald decorations. Under the pillar, there is a circular gold seat carved with sea water and river cliff patterns. At the bottom, there is a rosewood seat
This gold eight treasures is a gift used by the court, and is a respectful gift from local officials when the Empress Dowager celebrates her birthday

图片[1]-Eight treasures inlaid with gold and precious stones-China Archive
图片[2]-Eight treasures inlaid with gold and precious stones-China Archive金嵌宝石八宝-莲花图片[3]-Eight treasures inlaid with gold and precious stones-China Archive金嵌宝石八宝-华盖图片[4]-Eight treasures inlaid with gold and precious stones-China Archive金嵌宝石八宝-法螺图片[5]-Eight treasures inlaid with gold and precious stones-China Archive金嵌宝石八宝-法轮图片[6]-Eight treasures inlaid with gold and precious stones-China Archive金嵌宝石八宝-伞图片[7]-Eight treasures inlaid with gold and precious stones-China Archive金嵌宝石八宝-盘肠图片[8]-Eight treasures inlaid with gold and precious stones-China Archive金嵌宝石八宝-罐图片[9]-Eight treasures inlaid with gold and precious stones-China Archive金嵌宝石八宝-双鱼

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