Qianlong Seawater Dragon Inkstone Ink

[Qianlong Seawater Dragon Inkstone Ink]

Qianlong Seawater Dragon Inkstone Ink, Qing Qianlong, 13.5 cm long, 6.8 cm wide, 1.8 cm thick
Ink is made into inkstone style. The upper part is carved with a picture of two dragons playing in the water, and the dragon pattern is gilded. The ink border is decorated with a Kui dragon. On the back of the ink is a seven-character poem inscribed in Yangwen, official script, and imperial inscription:
Because there is Tao Hong in polishing the ink, where does the ink stone come from, namely, Mo Qing
The new style is not about boasting and skillful hands, but about being unique and embodying thoughts
We must be far away from our place of origin, forgetting our guests and never competing with each other
The sound responds to the breath, seeking the response, and the study of unity is only natural
After the inscription, “Liu Yuan was born in the early years of Kangxi. There are Bo Gu inks made in the style of inkstones in the imperial collection of the Inner Government, due to the inscription.” And the inscription, “Huan Yu’s inscription on the moon in the middle of the spring during the reign of Emperor Qianlong,” was signed, with the inscription “Bi De” and “Lang Run”. On the left and right borders, there are engraved gold regular script, “Sui Chu Tang Cang Ink”, and “Da Qing Qianlong Nian Zhi”
This ingot was made of imperial ink imitating the style of Liu Yuan’s inkstone in the early Tang Dynasty, and is one of the complete imperial ink ingots of the Qianlong Dynasty. The year of Gengyin was the 35th year of Qianlong’s reign (1770), when the Emperor Hongli was 60 years old

图片[1]-Qianlong Seawater Dragon Inkstone Ink-China Archive
图片[2]-Qianlong Seawater Dragon Inkstone Ink-China Archive乾隆款海水龙纹砚式墨背面图片[3]-Qianlong Seawater Dragon Inkstone Ink-China Archive乾隆款海水龙纹砚式墨侧纹饰

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