Red sandalwood inlaid with gold and laurel painting hanging screen

[Red sandalwood inlaid with gold and laurel painting hanging screen]

Qing Qianlong, 163cm long, 118.5cm wide
The frame of the hanging screen is made of red sandalwood wood, with Kui dragon patterns carved on it, and the screen has a blue ground. The screen is inlaid with decorative patterns such as gold osmanthus trees, mountains, rocks, grass, and flowing clouds and bright moons. This is a picture of the Mid-Autumn Festival laurel. “In the upper left corner of the screen, there is a poem inscribed in gold with the regular script of Emperor Qianlong’s” Imperial Chanting of Gui “:
” In the golden autumn, the beautiful sun shines brightly, the fragrance of heaven reflects the longevity feast, and the festive scene is marked with a beautiful painting style. At one time, it is a beautiful scene, and it belongs to the chanting style. It continues to sing songs on the east wall, the west garden, and the charm of the south, the north, and the secluded scenery of the south. However, it only adds to the charm. It is more because Cong Guiyi has recruited talents “

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