Hetian white jade bowl inlaid with gold and gemstones

[Hetian white jade inlaid with gold and gemstones bowl]

Hetian white jade inlaid with gold and gemstones bowl, Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, with a height of 4.8 centimeters, a caliber of 14.1 centimeters, and a foot diameter of 7 centimeters. The old collection of the Qing Palace
The jade in the bowl is translucent and white. The vessel has a thin wall, a circular cross-section, obliquely retracted from the mouth and abdomen, a peach shaped double ear, and a petal shaped circular foot. The interior and exterior walls are decorated with flower and leaf patterns. The unique feature is that the branches and leaves are inlaid with gold, and the flowers are composed of 108 finely crafted rubies. On the inner wall of the abdomen is a poem written in Yin script in regular script by Emperor Qianlong. The full text is:
Boiled cow’s milk in casein sauce, and imitated goat’s fat in a jade bowl
The imperial palace is majestic and praised, and tea is bestowed with grace
Zi Yong had a reputation, but Hung chien didn’t know it
Although it is clear about that, Fang Si does not agree with it
Giant materials are really difficult, and good craftsmen pursue them with their lives
When reading Shi Fu Da Bai, I will not be willing to give up
And there are “Qianlong Bingwu New First Moon”, “Royal Title” and “Bide” stamps. In the middle of the bottom of the bowl, there are four characters in official script: “For the Emperor Qianlong”
The style of artistic works is related to the aesthetic orientation of the producer, with gold inlaid on white jade and red gemstones, making it particularly luxurious and magnificent. This utensil has a typical Kendostan style, reflecting the unique passionate and unrestrained personality characteristics of the western nationalities through the external beauty of the utensil. Due to its unique artistic charm and exquisite imitation skills, the bowl has always been cherished by the Emperor Qianlong since it was made in 1786, and even used as a tool for the imperial palace to give tea during celebrations.
图片[1]-Hetian white jade bowl inlaid with gold and gemstones-China Archive
图片[2]-Hetian white jade bowl inlaid with gold and gemstones-China Archive和阗白玉错金嵌宝石碗碗底金片与红宝石嵌成花叶纹图片[3]-Hetian white jade bowl inlaid with gold and gemstones-China Archive和阗白玉错金嵌宝石碗碗底花叶纹图片[4]-Hetian white jade bowl inlaid with gold and gemstones-China Archive和阗白玉错金嵌宝石碗金片红宝石镶嵌细部图片[5]-Hetian white jade bowl inlaid with gold and gemstones-China Archive和阗白玉错金嵌宝石碗内壁刻乾隆帝御制诗图片[6]-Hetian white jade bowl inlaid with gold and gemstones-China Archive和阗白玉错金嵌宝石碗内底乾隆御用款识

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