Qianlong style rouge red color landscape vase

[Qianlong style rouge red color landscape painting bottle]

Qianlong style rouge red color landscape painting bottle, Qing Qianlong style, height 9.6 cm, caliber 2.2 cm, foot diameter 2.2 cm
Bottle skimming, thin neck, shoulder folding, tubular belly, and circular feet. The outer wall is painted with rouge to depict idyllic landscapes. In the picture, the mountains and forests are all stained, and hermits who visit friends with zither beside houses and small bridges are strolling in the mountains and forests. In the neck and shoulder space, there is a five-character poem titled “Late Peak, Clear Peak, and Dew Peak”, with the first “Rising Sun” and the second “Mountain” and “High” seals. The outsole is embossed with blue material in bold script “Made in Qianlong” in four characters and double lines
Carmine color material is a low-temperature glaze color that is opaque and has an oily luster on the surface. It is one of the enamel color materials. “In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, it was recorded in the” Notes on Southern Kilns “that” today’s foreign colors include carmine and Qiang Shui Hong, both made of red gold and crystal materials, which are very expensive. “Because gold is used as the main colorant, it is also known as” golden red. “. The “new western purple ware” and “western red ware” in Tang Ying’s “Tao Cheng Ji Shi” refer to rouge ware. After Qianlong’s reign, the formula was adjusted according to practical requirements, and rouge became a color in pastels, which can also be used as a low-temperature glaze color
This enamel colored porcelain has a glossy and thick color, with slightly protruding patterns. When using the color, pay attention to the changes in the distance, depth, and intensity of the scene in the painting. The strokes are fine, and the three-dimensional feeling is strong. It should be painted by a famous palace painter.
图片[1]-Qianlong style rouge red color landscape vase-China Archive
图片[2]-Qianlong style rouge red color landscape vase-China Archive乾隆款胭脂红彩山水图瓶底部

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