Handmade stove with dragon and phoenix patterns painted in red lacquer

[Handmade stove with gold dragon and phoenix patterns painted in red lacquer]

Handmade stove with gold dragon and phoenix patterns painted in red lacquer was built during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, with a beam height of 13.7cm and a caliber of 15-9.6 cm
The furnace is in a double circular connection shape, with a lifting beam on it and a copper basin inside, which matches the copper wire woven cover. The furnace belly is symmetrically lit on both sides, with a vermilion painted floor inside, and a pair of gold dragon and phoenix patterns painted on each side. The golden color of the faucet and body is deep yellow, while the golden color of the dorsal fin and cirrus veins is lighter. “The golden color of the head, body, and wing tip of the phoenix is lighter, while its outline and eyes are outlined in deep gold, with black paint as a highlight.”. The handicraft stove is decorated with dragon and phoenix patterns that have been inherited from generation to generation, and is lined with red paint. It is auspicious and festive, with a strong palace color and royal flavor
Gold painting refers to the practice of adding a gold pattern on the painted floor, which includes various techniques such as monochrome gold painting, textual gold painting, and color gold elephant gold painting. The application of gold painting technology in China began in the Warring States Period. The Qing Dynasty was a glorious period of development for gold painting, with diverse techniques and exquisite craftsmanship. This handicraft stove has a faint golden hue, like a painter’s use of color. It is a representative work of the Qing Dynasty that depicts gold lacquer ware.
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