Red sandalwood cabinet with enamel cloud dragon pattern

[Red sandalwood inlaid with enamel cloud dragon pattern cabinet lattice]

During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, it was 185 centimeters high, 96 centimeters horizontal, and 42 centimeters vertical
The cabinet frame is made of red sandalwood wood. The upper part is a Duobao grid, with a total of five grids, and the front and both sides are transparent. Each grid varies in size and is arranged irregularly, with the front faces of four grids being quadrilateral and the front faces of one grid being polygonal. Each grid is inlaid with enamel coupons and teeth decorated with abduct and crocus patterns. Install a copper clip flower fence at the bottom edge of the side of the five squares. The back panel of Duobao Ge is inlaid with a glass mirror. Drawers are installed on both sides of the dwarf in the middle of the cabinet. The drawer surface is inlaid with copper tapestry and decorated with a hollow lotus pattern, with a circular copper handle in the center. Under the drawer is a cabinet with two opposite doors. The door frame adopts a double mixed surface method with large mixed surface on the outer ring and small mixed surface on the inner ring. The frame is inlaid with enamel cloud dragon pattern plate core, with a blue ground, highlighting the colorful flowing clouds and two golden ascending dragons facing each other. The door frame is inlaid with copper carved cloud dragon pattern hinges, face leaves, and handles. The two sides of the cabinet are inlaid with cloud bat pattern filigree enamel ribbon ring plates. On the front and side of the cabinet, there are wrapped branches with flower patterns, and the belly shaped enamel teeth are arranged in the hall. The legs and feet are covered with copper chiseled cloud dragon patterns

图片[1]-Red sandalwood cabinet with enamel cloud dragon pattern-China Archive
图片[2]-Red sandalwood cabinet with enamel cloud dragon pattern-China Archive紫檀嵌画珐琅云龙纹柜格之纹饰

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