Yellow Jade Beast Face Pattern Cover Zun

[Topaz Beast Face Pattern Cover Zun]

Topaz Beast Face Pattern Cover Zun, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, height 16.1 cm, caliber 4.9 × 3.3 cm, bottom diameter 3.4 × 5 cm
It is made of yellow jade, with a partial sugar color. Flat bottle shaped, with hollow cloud shaped ears at the neck and shoulders. The statue has a cover, and the cover is decorated with cloud patterns. The edge of the cover, the edge of the mouthpiece, and the foot are all decorated with wrinkles. The motif of the statue is decorated with animal face patterns, with cicada patterns on both sides of the animal face. The “Qianlong Year System” version of the foot yin engraved seal script
The texture of topaz is rare among the antique jades of the Qing Dynasty palace. Several patterns of this article are modeled on the patterns of Shang and Zhou bronzes, and are extremely finely carved.
图片[1]-Yellow Jade Beast Face Pattern Cover Zun-China Archive

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