Bodiless lacquer incense colored multicolored gold medallion pattern Buddha’s daily bright disc

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Open pan, bulging belly, flat bottom, low circular feet. The entire body is first painted with a layer of plain black paint, and then the inner wall of the plate is painted with fragrant paint. The outer wall is painted with fragrant paint as the ground. The technique of painting gold is used to decorate the four characters of the seal script “Buddha’s Daily Light”, separated by the western crocus flower. On both sides of the outsole, there are “Qianlong Year” regular script gold patterns inside the frame. This plate is brightly colored, with dazzling gold painted paint. It is lightweight and gives off a strong court atmosphere
According to the records of the Qing Dynasty’s manufacturing offices, the daily Ming disc of the bodiless lacquer Buddha was only made once in December of the first year of Qianlong’s reign. The wood samples were made by the Manufacturing Office and sent to Suzhou. The Weaving Haibao was ordered to make 1000 pieces as usual for use in the Cining Palace Garden, Buddha Hall, and other places. In August of the second year of Qianlong’s reign, it was made and sent to Beijing

图片[1]-Bodiless lacquer incense colored multicolored gold medallion pattern Buddha’s daily bright disc-China Archive
图片[2]-Bodiless lacquer incense colored multicolored gold medallion pattern Buddha’s daily bright disc-China Archive脱胎漆香色地五彩描金西番莲纹佛日常明圆盘款识

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