White set blue glass bamboo magpie snuff bottle

[White set blue glass bamboo magpie diagram snuff bottle]

White set blue glass bamboo magpie diagram snuff bottle, with a height of 5.6cm and a belly width of 3.6cm
The smoking pot is made in a flat bottle shape and is made of Nirvana white glass. The shoulder is decorated with a blue animal face with a circular ring, and both sides of the abdomen are decorated with a circular opening, embedded with a bamboo magpie pattern made of dyed teeth, and covered with colorless transparent glass. The bottom of the pot is engraved with the regular script style of “Qianlong Year System”
This tobacco pot combines two techniques of glass covering and inlaying, with unique decorative techniques.
图片[1]-White set blue glass bamboo magpie snuff bottle-China Archive
图片[2]-White set blue glass bamboo magpie snuff bottle-China Archive白套蓝玻璃竹鹊图鼻烟壶另面图片[3]-White set blue glass bamboo magpie snuff bottle-China Archive白套蓝玻璃竹鹊图鼻烟壶底款

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