Double Sparrow Scroll with Tapestry and Pomegranate Flowers

[Double Bird Figure Axis of Kesi Garnet Flowers]

Double Bird Figure Axis of Kesi Garnet Flowers, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, 165 centimeters vertically and 42 centimeters horizontally
This scroll depicts mature pomegranates, resting double finches, flying butterflies, and mountain flowers and plants in a realistic manner. The technique of tapestry follows the original manuscript and uses techniques such as long and short tapestry, structural tapestry, wooden comb tapestry, and overlapping tapestry to finely weave tapestry. The detailed parts such as tree trunks, fruits, bird feathers, and butterfly wings are painted with faint colors, striving to be realistic. The composition is sparse and clear, with distinct layers. The color scheme emphasizes natural softness and elegance. The mature fruit is naturally authentic with green leaves, while the combination of grayish blue rocks and light green flowers and plants is elegant and picturesque
“Pomegranate Flower and Double Sparrows” is one of the common themes in flower and bird paintings during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, implying multiple children and multiple blessings.
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