Jade Imperial Inscription Wine

[Green Jade Imperial Gown]

Green Jade Imperial Gown, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, height 10.2 cm, caliber 13.2 × 6.6 cm
The green jade is warm and moist. With a shallow belly and a dragon shaped bow, it encircles its feet, and its body shines brightly. The device is equipped with a beast’s head cover, with a beautiful curve at the edge of the cover, which closely matches the mouth of the device, and the button is in the shape of a recumbent tiger. Inside the cover, there is a poem made by the Emperor Qianlong in an official script: “He Tian Yu came to join us, and the craftsmanship was quite complicated. He gradually wanted to lead us back to the ancient times, and the common people returned to the early days. For the Zhou Dynasty, he made tools to guard against empty cars. Liu Gui and Kao joined together, and Dun Mu introduced Zhu.” At the end of the poem, “Qianlong Bingshen Xinzheng was on the throne, and the imperial title was”. “Qianlong Antique” style is engraved on the bottom of the vessel. The wine is served on a red sandalwood seat, with a Yin engraved imperial poem filled with gold and written in official script at the bottom of the seat. The content is the same as that of the imperial poem written by Gai. Bingshen was the 41st year of Qianlong (1776)
This article should have been made after the 25th year of Qianlong’s reign (1760), when the number of jade tributes from Xinjiang to the Qing court greatly increased, and the production of palace jade entered a prosperous period. Emperor Qianlong strongly praised Huanchun as a master of ancient jade, and many imitations of ancient jade appeared. This jade goblet is one of them. From the carved poems, we can clearly see Emperor Qianlong’s idea of jade making. In the poem, the name “匜匜匜匜匜匜匜匜匜匜匜匜匜匜匜匜匜匜212. A recent author, Wang Guowei, proposed in his article “Guan Tang Ji Lin – Shuo Jiu” that the Yi ware with a cover in the shape of a cow’s head is a Jiu, and the one without a cover is a Jiu. Here, let’s refer to Wang Guowei’s statement (see the book “Chinese Bronze Wares”).
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