Jade Handle Gold Peach Skin Sheath Cold Blade

[Jade Handle Gold Peach Skin Sheath Cold Front Waist Sabre]

Qing Qianlong. The overall length is 96 centimeters. The old collection of the Qing Palace
The blade has a steel body, an arc body, and a sharp edge. The bottom side of the blade is plated with silver with a horizontal inscription, “Di Zi No. 15”, a vertical inscription, “Han Feng”, and the other side is plated with silver with a horizontal inscription, “Made in the reign of Qianlong.”. The iron plated and gold like Italy shaped hand guard has a white jade handle, and the light is as fresh as new. The head of the handle is threaded with bright yellow silk ribbon, and turquoise is dropped. Wooden scabbard, decorated with gold peach skin, with iron plated pong and garlic. Add two gold bands to the scabbard, connect with a lifting beam, and tie the yellow silk ribbon. (Liu Liyong)
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