Bamboo carved dragon ears

[Bamboo Carved Chi Ears]

Bamboo Carved Chi Ears, in the mid Qing Dynasty, were 13.2 centimeters high, 21.5 centimeters in diameter, and 13.2 centimeters in bottom diameter
This statue is carved from bamboo roots. The rim of the mouth is slightly introverted, and the outer surface is decorated with a circular pattern. The flow is inclined upward in a bunched shape. The abdomen is deep and smooth, and there is a dragon shaped jaw opposite the flow. The dragon mouth holds the rim of the mouth, which is vivid and vivid. With a round bottom and three legs under it, the feet are embossed with animal patterns
This utensil absorbs the modeling style of ancient pottery and has popular elements from the mid Qing Dynasty, reflecting the antique characteristics of that time
匜 is a water dispenser for washing hands. “Zuo Zhuan, the 23rd Year of Xi Gong” has the phrase “Feng Wo Toilet”, which means holding water to wash your hands. It first appeared in the mid Western Zhou Dynasty.
图片[1]-Bamboo carved dragon ears-China Archive

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