Tooth Carving Open Light Into Treasure Map Rotary Core Penholder

[Tooth Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved Carved. The old collection of the Qing Palace
The pen holder is round in shape, carved in ivory, with a soft transition to the lips, and the rim of the mouth is embossed with a curved band. The surface of the instrument is highly embossed with landscape characters. There are dozens of characters, divided into multiple groups and scattered among the mountains and rivers. Some are carts, some are pallets, some are holding bottles, and some are driving elephants. Most of them are in high spirits, and they are filled with special treasures such as coral, gemstones, and ganoderma lucidum. The bottom is a rear fitting, with a circular platform protruding from the center of the bottom, which is connected to the cylinder body with a screw opening. The outer layer is also carved with a zigzag pattern to form a light opening cylinder, which is sleeved between the edge of the mouth and the edge of the foot. It can be rotated and turned to different angles. The patterns displayed in the light opening are also different, bringing rich changes to the static decoration, making it the most exciting stroke of this pen holder
The picture on the wall of the pen holder is actually a variant of the treasure map of the Han people entering the Qing Dynasty. Its characters are all dressed in Western clothing, reflecting the frequent exchanges between China and the West at that time and the arrogant attitude of the rulers of the Qing Dynasty towards the kingdom of heaven, which is quite worth pondering.
图片[1]-Tooth Carving Open Light Into Treasure Map Rotary Core Penholder-China Archive
图片[2]-Tooth Carving Open Light Into Treasure Map Rotary Core Penholder-China Archive牙雕开光进宝图转芯式笔筒局部

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