Red sandalwood carved with dry branches inlaid with jade and two heads

[Red sandalwood carved with dry branches and jade inlaid with two heads Ruyi]

Red sandalwood carved with dry branches and jade inlaid with two heads Ruyi, 46 cm long
The Ruyi handle is carved into two Ruyi hook shapes, with symmetrical head and tail. The whole body is engraved with the seal script of the stem and branch of the year and the flowers are decorated. The Ruyi head and tail are inlaid with white jade peaches
Ruyi’s body is chain-like with three interlocking rings. The 60 Ganzhi chronology names carved in the whole body symbolize the alternation of the times, and together with the white jade peach decorations at both ends, symbolize “longevity and prosperity”. This Ruyi is novel in conception and elegant in color, which is the representative work of the unusual Ruyi that breaks through the general Ruyi shape.
图片[1]-Red sandalwood carved with dry branches inlaid with jade and two heads-China Archive
图片[2]-Red sandalwood carved with dry branches inlaid with jade and two heads-China Archive紫檀刻干支嵌玉双头如意

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