Shoushan stone alligator Longniu’s treasure of “worshiping God and ancestors”

[Shoushan stone alligator Longniu “Zun Zun” treasure]

“Zun Zun Zun” seal, Yongzheng of Qing Dynasty, Shoushan stone, alligator Longniu square seal, seal script. The face is 6.6cm square, the overall height is 9.5cm, and the button height is 4.5cm
According to the work file of the Office of the Interior Affairs of the Qing Dynasty, in the first year of Yongzheng’s reign (1723), “On the 23rd of the first month, Prince Yi handed over the book of the red Shoushan stone alligator button, with the purpose of saying:” Honor the Heavenly Ancestor “. Here is the imperial edict. On the eighth day of April, the book of the red Shoushan stone alligator button was inscribed with the words” Honor the Heavenly Ancestor “, and then made a brocade box, which Prince Yi presented.” According to this, it is known that this treasure was carved in the first year of Yongzheng. Emperor Qianlong said in the posthumous book of Emperor Yongzheng, “Emperor Qinwei examined the emperor’s way of peace and harmony, performed his duties, respected the heaven and showed his piety, and devoted himself to the suburban altar; the Fazu showed his devotion and showed his filial piety to the temple.” By comparing the words and deeds of Emperor Yongzheng in his life, we can see that this comment is correct. Emperor Yongzheng once said, “Since ancient times, when emperors ruled the world, they must respect the Heaven and the Fazu as the first task.” What is the meaning of respecting the Heaven, they said: “When people rule, they should follow the Heaven’s mandate, and look down on all officials, they must also be enlightened by the Heaven’s precepts, and they should be free from mistakes and cultivate virtue, and select talents and abilities, so as to receive the benefits of praise and help, so they said that in the future, they will only be enlightened. If they can not be enlightened by the Heaven’s precepts, they do not know how to respect the Heaven, and there is no enough to say.” The so-called Fazu means “only abide by the Constitution”, “all follow the law”, To be specific, it is “to use people for administration and follow the imperial examination in everything. All the government affairs I do are the old rules that the imperial examination has already done. The edicts issued by the imperial examination are the precious precepts issued by the imperial examination. At the beginning, it has been somewhat increased or decreased”. Respecting Heaven and Ancestors is a very important ruling thought in the early stage of Yongzheng’s succession, and has been running through the whole ruling process. This treasure is the true reflection of this thought

图片[1]-Shoushan stone alligator Longniu’s treasure of “worshiping God and ancestors”-China Archive
图片[2]-Shoushan stone alligator Longniu’s treasure of “worshiping God and ancestors”-China Archive寿山石鼍龙纽“敬天尊祖”玺全形之二图片[3]-Shoushan stone alligator Longniu’s treasure of “worshiping God and ancestors”-China Archive寿山石鼍龙纽“敬天尊祖”玺钤本

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