Shoushan Stone Double Beast Niu “Love the People” treasure

[Shoushan Stone Double Beast Button “Love the People” treasure]

“Love the People” seal, Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty, Shoushan Stone, Double Beast Button square seal, Chinese seal. The face is 6.6cm square, the overall height is 9.2cm, and the button height is 4.5cm
This treasure was carved in the first year of Yongzheng (1723). According to the “Work File of the Office of the Qing Palace Interior Affairs Office”, “On the 23rd of the first year of Yongzheng, Prince Yi handed over the red Shoushan stone double animal button book, with the purpose of saying:” Love the people and love the people “. This treasure was inscribed here. On the 8th of April, the red Shoushan stone double animal button book was inscribed with the words” Love the people and love the people “. It was made into a brocade box, and Prince Yi presented it.” This treasure is the work of the Emperor Yongzheng after he ruled the pole. He has always believed that the ruler should be based on the rule of virtue and love the people as the foundation of the establishment of the government. Especially when he is riding the Great Harmony, he should never forget it as a warning to treat others with self-discipline. It is consistent with the political platform of “respecting the heaven and ancestors, loving the people and loving the people” advocated by the Qing Emperor

图片[1]-Shoushan Stone Double Beast Niu “Love the People” treasure-China Archive
图片[2]-Shoushan Stone Double Beast Niu “Love the People” treasure-China Archive寿山石双兽纽“亲贤爱民”玺全形之二图片[3]-Shoushan Stone Double Beast Niu “Love the People” treasure-China Archive寿山石双兽纽“亲贤爱民”玺钤本

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