Blue and white pomegranate ear jar

[Blue and white sea pomegranate ear jar]

Blue and white sea pomegranate ear jar, clear and upright, 19.4 cm high, 5.2 cm caliber, 6.3 cm foot diameter
Bottle washing, long neck, full shoulder, double ears, round upper abdomen, gradually closed lower abdomen, shallow circle foot. The white glaze is slightly cyan, and the blue and white flowers are gray-blue, tinged. The neck is decorated with sea water pattern, the ear is painted with echo pattern, the shoulder and shin are decorated with banana leaf pattern, and the belly is painted with tangled pomegranate pattern. The blue and white double circles on the outsole are stamped with “made in Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty” double-line six-character regular script
The blue and white hair color, glaze, decoration and shape of the ware are similar to the blue and white ear vase of the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty, which is very close to the real ware, and also has the shape of the ware in the later dynasties.
图片[1]-Blue and white pomegranate ear jar-China Archive
图片[2]-Blue and white pomegranate ear jar-China Archive青花海石榴贯耳瓶底款

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