Yongzheng style flat belly bottle with altered glaze string pattern imitating Jun kiln

[Yongzheng Imitation Jun Kiln Varying Glaze String Pattern Flat Belly Bottle]

Yongzheng Imitation Jun Kiln Varying Glaze String Pattern Flat Belly Bottle, Qing Yongzheng, 25.5cm high, 7.3cm caliber, 12cm foot diameter
The mouth of the bottle, the slender neck, the neck and the shoulder are raised with seven strings, and the flat round belly is shaped like water chestnut, so it is called water chestnut flat bottle. Circle your feet. The outsole is engraved with four characters and double lines of seal character “made in Yongzheng year”. The matrix is thick and heavy. It can be seen from the glaze near the bottom that it is made by multiple glazing
The sky blue kiln glaze is applied inside and the red kiln glaze is applied outside. The glaze surface, like a burning flame in a cluster, naturally flows down to the bottom, with blue stars flashing in the red, changing and colorful. The glaze in the foot is uneven
The Jun kiln was imitated by later generations because of its unpredictable glaze color. Tang Ying, the pottery supervisor of the Yongzheng period, sent Wu Yaopu, the director of the factory, to Junzhou in March of the seventh year of Yongzheng (1729) to investigate the preparation method of Jun kiln glaze. According to the records of the Qing Palace Building Office, in March of the eighth year of Yongzheng’s reign (1730), the imitation Jun kiln bottle had been made. In October, Xiyao presented 12 pieces of the size of the imitation Jun kiln porcelain stove, which was praised by the emperor. “This stove is very well made. It is said that Nian Xiyao fired several more pieces according to this pattern.”. This shows that the imitation firing of Jun kiln porcelain reached a high level during the Yongzheng period due to the efforts of Tang Ying
The glaze of this bottle imitates the glaze of Jun kiln porcelain in the Song Dynasty, but its shape is not seen in Jun kiln porcelain in the Song Dynasty. It is an innovative work during the Yongzheng period

图片[1]-Yongzheng style flat belly bottle with altered glaze string pattern imitating Jun kiln-China Archive
图片[2]-Yongzheng style flat belly bottle with altered glaze string pattern imitating Jun kiln-China Archive雍正款仿钧窑变釉弦纹扁肚瓶底部

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