Copper gilded four elephant piggyback flower water method clock

[Copper gilded four elephant piggyback flower water clock]

Copper gilded four elephant piggyback flower water clock, Williamson, London, England, 18th century, height 105 cm, base 53 × 53 cm
The clock has seven floors, with a flower bouquet at the top, a gold-plated tree under it surrounding the water method, a guard warrior at the four corners, and a water method landscape around the lower pedestal. The four corners under the pedestal are supported by curved brackets, and each corner is decorated with a peacock. There are people walking around in the center. On the central floor, the four elephants carry a clock with two needles. Under the clock are inlaid with enamel paintings of ladies. There are horses, cows and other animals around behind the four elephants. There are rotating figures in the foot base. The bottom layer is the mechanical device and music box
After the bell turns on the machine, the waterfall falls down in the music, and people and animals circle around the center.
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