Zou Zhe’s landscape map axis

[Zou Zhe’s landscape map axis]

The landscape map axis, the 16th year of Kangxi’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1677), Zou Zhe’s painting, paper, color, vertical 252.6 cm, horizontal 104.4 cm
The painting of mountains, streams and valleys, the fishing boats running in their own direction, and the dialogue between the scholars and the window are a leisurely and secluded life. In terms of performance techniques, the author followed the realistic painting style of the Song Dynasty, and absorbed some characteristics of the Wumen painters of the Ming Dynasty, and integrated his own ideas into the painting, showing his unique landscape painting style. The layout of the drawing is exquisite, the pen is sharp, and the ink color is rich in changes. It is the careful work of Zou
This page is signed as follows: “In the middle of the winter of Ding Si, the Ximin Zou Zhe wrote in the Jieshuang Pavilion.” The seal of “Zou Zhe” is Bai Wenyin, and the seal of “Fang Lu” is Zhu Wenyin. “Dingsi” is the 16th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1677).
图片[1]-Zou Zhe’s landscape map axis-China Archive

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