Deng Yan’s seal book Xunzi Youzuo chapter axis

[Deng Yan’s seal book Xunzi Youzuo Chapter Axis]

Xunzi Youzuo Chapter Axis, Qing Dynasty, Deng Shirushu, paper book, seal book, 117 cm vertically and 74 cm horizontally
Confucius was at the temple of Duke Huan of Lu, and there was an interjection device. Ask Yu Shou: What is this? Said to him: This is a tool to forgive sitting. Confucius said, “When I smell the instrument to forgive sitting, the empty one will be offset, the middle one will be right, and the full one will be covered.”. Gu said to his disciple, “Try to inject water.”. When the water is poured in, it will be positive if it is in the middle, and it will be covered if it is full. The master sighed: “Yu Xi!”! It is good that things are full and not covered. Zi Lu said, “Do you dare to ask if there is a way to hold full?”? Confucius said, “Be wise and wise, and keep it with foolishness.”; We should let the world take advantage of our achievements; The courage to shake the world and guard it with fear; Rich all over the world; Keep it with humility, which is the so-called way to lose while losing. Yizhai adults belong to books. Deng Yan
Seal “Deng Yan” and “Shi Ru”
This work records the chapter of “Xunzi · Forgive Sitting”. Deng Shiru’s seal script has a variety of features. In the early stage, he adhered to the ancient method. In the middle age, he broke through the traditional jade chopsticks seal style, integrated the characteristics of the inscription on gold and stone, and incorporated the official script style. It has a graceful, round, vigorous, free and easy style. This is Deng Shiru’s early seal calligraphy masterpiece, which is deeply influenced by the “Yi Shan Stele” of Qin Dynasty and Li Yangbing’s seal method of Tang Dynasty. It belongs to the category of traditional jade chopsticks seal. The strokes are even and mellow, with a little sharp at the end. The structure is strict, and the style is clear and handsome.
图片[1]-Deng Yan’s seal book Xunzi Youzuo chapter axis-China Archive

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