Cuizhu Festival style pendant

[Cui Zhu Jie Pei]

Cui Zhu Jie Pei, clear, 6 cm long, 3 cm wide
The jade is green, and the local color is dark. The pendant is rectangular, with bamboo branches as the frame. The bottom is carved into rocks, and there is ganoderma lucidum on it. The middle part is carved out of bamboo leaves and branches. The emerald color of this pendant is close to the natural color of bamboo. The author takes bamboo as the theme, reflecting the subtlety of the design. The upper part of the pendant is tied with yellow silk rope, with coral beads on it, and a group of rice beads on both ends
Emerald jade symbolizes the virtue of a gentleman, while bamboo is one of the “four gentlemen” of plum, orchid, chrysanthemum and bamboo, which fits the meaning of the emperor’s self-describing as the king of benevolence.
图片[1]-Cuizhu Festival style pendant-China Archive

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