Blue jade longevity character, banana leaf, dragon dragon pattern, flower goblet

[Green jade longevity banana leaf dragon pattern flower Gu]

Green jade longevity banana leaf dragon pattern flower Gu, Qing Dynasty, flower Gu height 28.8 cm, caliber 16 cm, bottom diameter 9.7 cm
The cauldron is made of warm and moist jade, which is made of three sections, with a bell mouth, round feet and a round drum waist. The upper and lower parts of the body are embossed with banana leaf patterns, and the blade is sharp. In the middle, four groups of dragon arms with the characters “longevity” are carved on the belly of the drum. The dragon faces each other, and its body is geometrically curved. The cauldron is equipped with a copper bladder and a copper cover. The center of the copper cover is a round square hole pattern, and the five bats wearing cloud patterns are carved on the fine pearl ground
The goblet is a pair, with the original copper filigree enamel base, decorated with echo patterns, lotus petals and animal face patterns
This vase is modeled like a bronze vase, with a copper liner that can be used for flower arrangement. This pair of goblets, together with a pair of candlesticks and tripod furnaces, is called the “five offerings”. Five offerings are offered to the ancestors of Buddhism and Taoism, also known as “five offerings”. It is to offer five kinds of offerings “incense, flowers, lamps, water and fruit” on the altar. In addition to various physical explanations, the five offerings also have different views in Taoism. For example, Zhu Quan said in the Jade Book of the Emperor to the Tao Taiqing that the five offerings represent the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, to show the nature of heaven and earth, to create and control each other, and to imply the virtue of gods. As auspicious objects, the five offerings are mostly used in sacrificial ceremonies. This set of five offerings, including this pair of candlesticks, was originally set up in the Palace of Mercy and Tranquility for the Empress Dowager.
图片[1]-Blue jade longevity character, banana leaf, dragon dragon pattern, flower goblet-China Archive

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