Preface to the Orchid Pavilion

[Preface to the Opening of the Imperial Orchid Pavilion in the Qing Dynasty]

Preface to the Opening of the Imperial Orchid Pavilion in the Qing Dynasty. On the wooden surface, there is Wang Cunshan’s inscription “The Opening of the Imperial Orchid Pavilion in the Sui Dynasty and the Rubbings of the Song Dynasty”. The white paper is dug and inlaid, and the butterfly is installed. It is divided into three parts, with half opening 24.8 cm vertically and 13 cm horizontally
This book is named because of its Kaihuang year. It is related to Dingwu. It is a running script with 28 lines and a border column between the lines. There are two kinds of “Kaihuangben”: one is engraved with “October of the 13th year of Kaihuang” at the end, and the other is engraved with “March 20 of the 18th year of Kaihuang” at the end. This post has not been recorded by Song people. The handwriting is not clear and the strokes are weak. It should be copied by later generations. At the end of the preface to the Orchid Pavilion, the regular script “March 20, the 18th year of Emperor Kaihuang (598)” is engraved. The seal has “Chongguang”, “Da Zaixin”, “Jiang Xun”, “Gao’s Collection”, “Xiaolu Collection”, “Ma Yuelu”, “Xiaolinglong Mountain Museum”, “Xizhen” and other seals

图片[1]-Preface to the Orchid Pavilion-China Archive
图片[2]-Preface to the Orchid Pavilion-China Archive册页1图片[3]-Preface to the Orchid Pavilion-China Archive册页2图片[4]-Preface to the Orchid Pavilion-China Archive册页3

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