Red sandalwood inlaid with jade and three inlaid with Ruyi

[Red sandalwood inlaid with jade three inlays Ruyi]

Red sandalwood inlaid with jade three inlays Ruyi, 45.5cm long
The handle of Ruyi red sandalwood is inlaid with a jade wall and a jade tile with a dragon pattern on the head, body and tail. The center of Ruyi’s first jade wall is inlaid with an eastern pearl from the northeast Heilongjiang basin, with a diameter of more than 1 cm. The imperial family of the Qing Dynasty paid great attention to the East Pearl, which is produced in the Datong River, Wula River and Ningguta River in the northeast. It can be half an inch in size. According to the regulations of the Qing Dynasty, it is only allowed to be used in the palace, and the princes and ministers are not allowed to wear it at will
The large and round East Pearl is often used on the crown or the imperial bead, while the special-shaped bead is used for inlaying. According to Song Caitao’s “Tiewei Mountain Series”, in the Northern Song Dynasty, the bead with a diameter of inches was worth two to three million yuan. The East Pearl is large and crystal. It is interspersed between the two dragons. The combination of the two dragons and the pearl decoration is dazzling.
图片[1]-Red sandalwood inlaid with jade and three inlaid with Ruyi-China Archive
图片[2]-Red sandalwood inlaid with jade and three inlaid with Ruyi-China Archive紫檀嵌玉三镶如意

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