White jade bottle with sheep’s head and ears

[White Jade Sheep Ear Bottle]

White Jade Sheep Ear Bottle, clear, 27.5cm high, 5.4 caliber × 7cm, foot diameter 5.5 × 7.9 cm. The old collection of the Qing Palace
Oval, thin neck, wide belly, double ears, elliptical feet. There is a raised rope pattern under the top of the cover. The neck is carved with Kui band pattern, the belly is carved with lotus petal pattern, and the two sides of the shoulder protrude from the sheep’s head and ears. The jade is translucent and moist
The word “sheep” means “good”. In ancient times, “auspicious” was often referred to as “auspicious sheep”. The word “Yang” also means “Yang”. Historical Records of Confucius Aristocratic Family: “The eyes are like sheep”. “Shi Ming · Shi Zirong”: “Look at sheep: sheep, Yang is also. Say Yang is on the top. Raise your head high, as if looking at it.”
Just because “auspicious sheep” means “auspicious”, there have been many sculptures and decorations of sheep since the Han Dynasty. This bottle is made of sheep jewelry, which means good luck and high expectation. Yikun Palace, the former Tibetan Palace. It is a treasure of Qianlong period.
图片[1]-White jade bottle with sheep’s head and ears-China Archive

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