Peach type backflow tin pot

[Peach type backflow tin pot]

Peach type backflow tin pot, clear, 12.9 cm high
The pot is made of tin. The pot body is huge peach shape, the flow and handle are peach branch shape, and the pot bottom has a round mouth. On one side of the abdomen is engraved a poem: “If you can ask Wuling, you can carry wine and enjoy yourself.” On the other side is engraved: “A delicate branch wants to help” and “Wang Shengwanzhi”
The characteristic of this pot is “backflow”. Because there is no mouth on the pot, you need to put the pot upside down before using it. Fill the liquor from the round mouth at the bottom of the pot, and then turn it upside down to fill the wine into the cup, hence the name “backflow pot”. The shape of this pot first appeared in the porcelain of the Song Dynasty. This tin pot was created based on the porcelain pot

图片[1]-Peach type backflow tin pot-China Archive
图片[2]-Peach type backflow tin pot-China Archive桃式倒流锡壶拓片图片[3]-Peach type backflow tin pot-China Archive桃式倒流锡壶拓片

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