Bamboo-strand embossed plain folding fan

[Bamboo strand embossed plain face folding fan]

Bamboo strand embossed plain face folding fan, clear, with a total length of 28.5cm. The old collection of the Qing Palace
There are 18 folding bamboo shares. The inner strand is thin, painted black, and the edge strand is primary color, slightly thick. When folding, the upper part of the fan is a square angle straight line, while the lower part is smooth and soft. The transition between the square and the circle is natural and smooth, making the fan appear light and slender, and suitable for the touch and grip of fingers. The outer side of the side strand is ironed with dark spiral dots, which are grouped in groups of three or three to form a wishful cloud pattern, or whole or half, with different sizes and densities, just like the effect of Xiangfei bamboo. The fan paper is pure white in color, with one side sprinkled with gold as decoration. The irregular gold filings are like leaves and light spots, which are simple and abstract, and have great charm.
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