Bamboo brush holder with pine and crane patterns

[Penholder with pine and crane design in bamboo carving]

Penholder with pine and crane design in bamboo carving, clear, 12.8 cm high, 7 cm maximum caliber, 7.2 cm maximum bottom diameter. The old collection of the Qing Palace
The pen holder retains the shape of a bamboo knot, which is small at the top and large at the bottom, slightly bent, and has two knots. On the one hand, the crane is depicted standing on the pine branch with the method of leaving green, and the pine scales are depicted on the upper part through the division of bamboo knots. The crane is carved delicately and vividly, and its eyes are burned black, especially vivid. On the other side, the pits and protrusions of the material itself are slightly treated to form a three-dimensional decoration, turning the defects into decorative elements, which is in contrast with the rigorous style of the above plane blue pattern, which is quite ingenious

图片[1]-Bamboo brush holder with pine and crane patterns-China Archive
图片[2]-Bamboo brush holder with pine and crane patterns-China Archive竹雕留青松根式笔筒局部

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