Gold Gator White Jade Cup

[Gold Gaituo White Jade Cup]

Gold Gaituo White Jade Cup, clear, with a height of 12 cm and a diameter of 8.3 cm
The cup is made of white jade, which is pure white and moist. Round straight mouth, full voxel. There is a gold cover on the cup. The seal character “Jin Yang Run Yu Han Guang” is carved in the middle of the cover, and the edge is engraved with a circle of retrogradation. The seat of the cover button is a golden dragon type, with a hemispherical green jade button on it. The cup is equipped with a gold lotus leaf and lotus shaped tray
This gold cup has a strong contrast in material, and the combination of implicit jade and luxurious gold is extremely eye-catching. The decoration of lid, cup and tray is complex from top to bottom, simple and complex, and decorated with colorful cover buttons, which is quite elegant, and gives people an impression of refinement and atmosphere.
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