Ren Yitao Stone Map Axis

[Ren Yi’s Peach Stone Painting Axis]

The Peach Stone Painting Axis, Qing Dynasty, Ren Yi’s painting, paper version, color setting, 149.4 cm vertically and 80.6 cm horizontally
As we know from the title, this picture is the work of the author “wishing Shuchen the 50th birthday of his uncle”. The picture shows a basket of fresh peaches and square hard rocks. Peach and stone with the auspicious meaning of longevity has become a popular theme of birthday painting. The peaches in the picture are dazzled with red and green, and they can be seen in simplicity, which is delicious. The stone lines with ink brush and rubs the stone surface with the side edge. It is ancient and clumsy without losing its vigour and is quite rigid. The layout of the peach basket and the stone are interdependent. The peach basket supports the inclined stone body and stabilizes the picture; Shi then set off the low peach basket with a tall standing posture, strengthened the rhythmic sense of the high and low scattered picture, and showed the composition ability of the author’s skillful layout
The signature: “Before the reign of Emperor Guangxu and the reign of Emperor Dinghai, I wish my uncle Zhizhi’s 50th birthday, and Ren Yike wrote in Shanghai in the year of Bo.”
“Dinghai” is the 13th year of Guangxu’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1887). The author was 48 years old

图片[1]-Ren Yitao Stone Map Axis-China Archive

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