Small gong

[Small gong]

Hall gong, clear, 25 cm in diameter
The small gong, made of copper, is shaped like a disc, with a diameter of about seven inches and a bulge in the middle. The inside of the gong is printed in ink, which is not clear. The words “Self-made genuine Suzheng gong” can be seen faintly, which should be the advertising trademark. The word “miscellaneous box” in the ink script indicates that the gong was stored in the miscellaneous box and should be written by the box keeper of the court troupe at that time
When playing a small gong, hold the inner edge of the gong with your left hand, and knock with a thin piece of wood in your right hand. In Beijing opera, small gongs and big gongs can be used together to set off and strengthen the effect of actors’ performance, and can also be used separately to match the characters’ casual entrance and exit, known as “small gongs round”.
图片[1]-Small gong-China Archive
图片[2]-Small gong-China Archive堂锣反面

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